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«  Січень 2025  »

Архив записей


Онлайн всього: 1
Гостей: 1
Користувачів: 0

Друзья сайта


Nikolay Artiomov

Head of Optimization of Technological Systems Department

Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor

State Biotechnological University


Topics of theses::

PhD thesis – Increase of stability in movement of the arable unit at change of technical parameters control system

thesis doctoral – The dynamic stability of mobile agricultural units.


Scientific interest (region of interest):

Tractor power, dynamics and power of mobile machines, systems of data collection and processing, computer and microprocessor control systems, data processing.


Ready to cooperate on the following topics:

Research and qualimetric dynamic performance mobile machines (cars, tractors or farm units), which including performance stability, handling, power loads, modes.

Experimental studies of mobile machines and data processing of research results.


Monographs and textbooks:


1. N.P. Artiomov, А.Т. Lebedev, М.А. Podrigalo, A.S. Polyansky, D.M. Klets, A.I. Korobko, V.V. Zadorozhnyaya

The method of partial accelerations and its applications in the dynamics of mobile machines - Kharkov: publishing house "Miskdruk", 2012. - 220 p.


2. Tractors and cars. Part 4. Working, additional and auxiliary equipment:

Teaching. manual / V.M. Antoshchenkov, M.P. Artiomov, M.F. Boyko,

A.T. Lebedev, D.I. Mazorenko, С.В. Shushlyapin; For order. prof. A.T. Lebedev. - Kharkiv: 2006, - 150 p.


3. English language: Textbook for students, undergraduates and graduate students of engineering specialties of higher agricultural educational institutions / G.I. Borodina, A.M. Spevak, M.P. Artyomov. - Kind. second, reworked. and ext. - H .: Fakt, 2017. - 260 p.


4. Tractors and cars. - Part 7. - Technological foundations of mobile energy: textbook. manual / V.M. Antoshchenkov, R.V. Antoshchenkov, M.P. Artiomov, A.T. Lebedev // ed. prof. A.T. Lebedev. - H .: Fakt, 2013. - 232 p.


5. Tractors and cars. - Part 8. - Workshop. Fundamentals of theory and calculation of tractors and cars: textbook. manual / V.M. Antoshchenkov, R.V. Antoshchenkov, M.P. Artiomov, M.L. Shulyak, A.T. Lebedev // ed. prof. A.T. Lebedev. - H .: Fakt, 2017. - 256 p.


6. Dynamics of a car wheel. Monograph [text] / A.U. Abdulgazis, D.V. Abramov, M.P. Artyomov, V.I. Gatsko, Z.E. Zabelishensky, D.M. Кlets, О.О. Nazarko, М.А. Podrigalo, O.S. Polyansky, M.M. Potapov, V.L. Feist; under. ed. M.A. Trembled and O.S. Polyansky - Kh .: KhNADU, 2019. - 199 p.


7. Monograph Technological block-variant system of machine use in agriculture of Ukraine. Part 1: monograph. Part 1 / Yu.I. Kovtun [Kachanov V.V., Melnyk V.I., Kharchenko S.O., Artiomov M.P., Anikeev O.I., Tsyganenko M.O., Romanashenko O.A., Kalyuzhny O.D., Syrovytsky K.G., Chyhryna S.A., Hayek E.A.] - Kh .: Planeta-Print LLC, 2020. - 204 p.


Тextbooks – 1,

Аids teaching – 3,

Мonographs – 4,

Рatents and author's certificates – 9

Number of articles -  more than 130



Artiomov Nikolay Prokofievich

avenue Heroiv Kharkiv, 45



Head of Optimization of Technological Systems Department

Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor

State Biotechnological University

т. 057-732-98-21

т. +38-050-605-54-61

т. +38-096-568-49-83


email: kafedraots@ukr.net, artiomovprof@ukr.net

skype: nik.artemov Nikolay Artiomov


Reference is to the index of Khirsha:
