Yuriy Mishanov
head of the laboratory
In 1992 he graduated with honors from Kharkiv Automobile and Road Technical School and received the qualification of mechanical technician.
In 1995 he graduated from Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture and qualified as a mechanical engineer.
1995 - laboratory assistant of the department of machine-tractor fleet operation
1997 - Senior Laboratory Assistant of the Department of Machine and Tractor Fleet Operation
From 2011 to the present - Head of the Laboratory of the Department of UTS named after TP Yevsyukova
Tel. mobile: + 38-066-108-01-72, + 38-096-528-82-20
Tel. worker: + 38-057-732-98-21
Email: mishanov.73@mail.ru
Viber: + 38-096-528-82-20
Skype: mishanov_U.V.
(If the page of the personal site does not open - go using a VPN)